The prices listed here are intended to provide a general idea of our services. However, they may vary for each client based on several factors, such as:
The length of the hair
The thickness of the hair
Requests for custom color blends
Hair types such as short hair, thin hair
The desired length for braid or twist extensions
Requests for braids to be made exceptionally small or large
The most accurate price estimate is best determined in person, as we can assess your hair firsthand.
We request that clients arrive for their appointments with hair that has already been blow-dried, as this is necessary before braiding can commence. If you would like us to provide the blow out service, please ensure to add it while initially booking your appointment.
If you arrive without your hair blow-dried and we need to add this service, it will incur an additional $25 charge and extend your service time by 30 minutes.
We strongly advise our clients to communicate their need for a blow out during the initial appointment booking. Making last-minute changes, such as requesting a blow out, can disrupt subsequent appointments and isn't fair to other clients.